Friday, May 1, 2009

Al-Qur'an - The miracle of miracles

(Al-Qur’an) “As a miracle of purity of style, of wisdom and of truth, it is the one miracle claimed by Mohamed, his standing miracle he called it, and a miracle indeed it is!”


What is a miracle?

Here’s a couple of definition for the word miracle:

“An event that appears so inexplicable by the laws of nature that is held to be supernatural in origin or an act of God”

“A person, thing or event that excites admiring awe”

“An act beyond human power, an impossibility”

Sneak Peek

Science and Qur’anic Revelation

To this kind of sympathetic, yet sceptical mentality, the Author of the Book (Al-Qur'an) uses various types of arguments to resolve his doubts. To the atheists and agnostics, the cynics and the sceptics, who have a super-abundance of scientific knowledge and who consider themselves to be "intellectual giants," the point is driven home that they are in reality like stunted "dwarfs." They are like the dwarf who may have acquired abnormal development in any one particular direction at the expense of other parts of his faculty,

like an oversized head on a puny body, the Supreme Creator questions him. But before we pose God's question to him, let me satisfy my own curiosity. "You men of science who have studied astronomy and who study our Universe through your mighty telescopes as if scrutinising an object in the palm of your hand; tell me how did this Universe come into being?" This man of science though lacking in spiritual insight, is nevertheless most generous in sharing his knowledge. He readily responds. "Well," he begins, "billions of years ago our Universe was a single piece of matter, and there happened a "Big Bang" in the centre of that huge lump of matter and mighty chunks of matter began flying in all directions. Out of that "big bang" our solar system came into being as well as the galaxies, and since there is no resistance in space to that primordial momentum generated by the initial explosion, the stars and the planets swim along in their orbits..."

At this juncture, my memory tickles me - Our materialist friends appear to have been secretly imbibing their knowledge from the Súra Yaa-Seen:

The atheistic scientist continues. "Ours is an 'expanding' universe. The galaxies are receding away from us at a faster and faster rate, and once they reach the speed of light we will not be able to see them anymore. We must construct bigger and better telescopes as quickly as possible to study the sights, if not we will miss the bus!"

"When did you discover these fairy tales?" we ask. "No, these are not fairy tales but scientific facts!" our friend assures us. "All right, we accept your facts for what you say they are, but when did you really stumble upon these facts?" "Only yesterday!" he replies. Fifty years, after all, is only 'yesterday' in the history of the human race. "An unlettered Arab in the desert over 1400 years ago could never have had your knowledge of the 'big bang' and of your 'expanding universe,' could he?" we ask. "No never!" he retorts boastingly. "Well, then listen to what this ummi Prophet uttered under inspiration:"

Note:- Ummi: means unlettered, unlearned. "And the Book is given to him that is NOT LEARNED, saying, Read this, “I pray thee: and he sayeth, I am not learned" Isaiah 29:12. See how this prophecy finds fulfillment in Mohammed (pbuh). Obtain your FREE COPY OF "What the Bible says about Mohammed (pbuh)" from the IPCI.

Wanna know more? Download the ebook here